When you’re looking for areas to grow and improve your business, reviewing and analyzing your digital footprint is a great place to start. This audit of your online presence and marketing is also called a digital marketing report, and it’s a critical part of your marketing strategy. By understanding where you can improve online and what’s working well for your business, you’ll figure out where you should focus your attention and other areas where your efforts may not be paying off.
Taking this digital footprint of your business includes looking at several factors of your online presence that include:
For many businesses, your website provides the first impression your potential customers will get from you. An extensive digital marketing report will look at several components of your website and determine which areas are working for you, and what can be improved.
To create this portion of the report, we look at:
Front-end functionality
Back-end functionality
Mobile device responsiveness
These factors each contribute to a user’s overall impression of your website. For example, a digital marketing report might find that your website doesn’t include an email signup so you could be missing out on plenty of potential business that way. Similarly, examining the content might highlight that key messaging isn’t as visible as it should be, so you may not be making the impact you desire.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a way of boosting your online presence by helping you rank higher on search engine sites like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. These search engines look for relevant content on your page when deciding how you’ll be placed in search results pages. A digital marketing report will not only determine how you’re ranking on search engines but also where you can improve your ranking by looking at factors like keyword-rich content and meta-tagging.
Performance Metrics
Performance metrics look at the demographics of visitors to your website, as well as how they behave once they’re there. By understanding how your visitors find your site, where they live, what they do once they’re on your page, and how long they stay, you can focus on ways to better target your audience by creating content and services that appeal to them.
Social Media
For many businesses, their social media channels are the primary way their customers find them, and it’s also a cost-effective form of advertising. When we put together a digital marketing report for your business, we’ll look at how diverse your content is, how often you post, how many followers/likes your pages have, account descriptions, hashtags, and more. Once we’ve examined all of these areas, we can find potential weak spots in your social media strategy and where you can make improvements.
To make an effective digital marketing report, we need to consider your website, SEO, performance metrics, and social media in relation to your competitors. We’ll look at what your most successful competitors are doing that you aren’t, as well as any areas they don’t focus on that you do. While you certainly don’t need to do everything like your competitors, seeing what works and what doesn’t is an integral part of growing your business and figuring out where to implement new strategies.
VirtuallyThere Consulting can provide you with a comprehensive digital marketing report for your business and help you implement useful strategies for growing your business online. Contact us today to learn more!